Church logo design. The RiverWalk Church of Christ logo design is a diverse group of people following Christ, walking with Christ just as the church seeks to do.
Logo design Wichita, KS
Figural logo design
Church and Ministry logo design
The logo design for Saint Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church is weaved pillars. There are 6 beams, enough for 3 Crosses but because they a weaved together in perfect harmony it makes 9 Crosses. The gold symbolizes the Priest while the blue symbolizes the lay persons and how they work together.
Logo design Wichita Kansas
Conceptual logo design
Church logo design

Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic logo design colors and mosaic illustrati
Logo design La Crosse, WI
Illustrative logo design
Church logo design

The New Life Covenant Church’s logo is the symbol of infinity as a flame flowing through the Cross. It’s the eternal flame.
Wichita logo design
Illustrative logo design
Church logo design

River of Life Worship Center is a Pentecostal Church. The logo depicts both, hands reaching for God and a dove, the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit.
Logo design Wichita, KS
Conceptual logo design
Church logo design
The River of Life Worship Center church is a Pentecostal church and community center known for the raising of hands in the worship of GOD.
The church logo is an extremely unique visual where one image can be seen as two different ideas. The logo at one look is hands raised to the Heavens reaching for GOD. With another look the logo is the Christian symbol for the Holy Spirit, a dove. Specifically within the Pentecostal beliefs the dove is associated with baptism, of which water is used. Moreover, the two images tell the story of conversion. The hands reaching to GOD become filled with the Holy Spirit, the image of the dove. The conversion, being filled with the Holy Spirit is The River of Life. The River of Life logo is an international award winning logo design that will appear in Graphis Logo 8.
Logo design Wichita area
Conceptual logo design